Not easy to give up smoking issue, although it is necessary to maintain your health step. What you may not know it that to stop smoking many health changes begin to appear after the first 20 minutes of Aqlaekm smoking. But what are these changes?
These methods will help you quit smoking
- 20 minutes after quitting smoking, blood pressure drops back to the normal level, as the heart beat to fall back to a normal pace, rising body temperature in the hands and feet to reach normal temperature.
- After 8 hours of quitting smoking, go down the carbon dioxide level in the blood to the normal level, and increase the oxygen level in the blood to normal level.
- After 24 hours, the risk of a heart attack less.
- After 48 hours, nerve endings start growing again, and improve the ability to smell and taste.
- From two weeks to three months, circulation improves and walking becomes easier, and improve the efficiency of lung function by up to 30%.
- From one month to nine months, less than the symptoms of coughing, sinus congestion, fatigue and shortness of breath, and back cilia pulmonary cell growth and increase the ability to handle mucus, clean the lungs and less vulnerability to infection, and increases in general the body's energy.
- After one year of quitting smoking, coronary artery disease risk to less than half the size of the smoker.
- After 5 years, at least as a result of the death rate of lung cancer in the previously he smoked a pack a day by half, and the risk of stroke, as well as the risk of mouth, pharynx, esophagus cancer.
- After 15 years, the risk of coronary artery disease becomes equal to the same intolerable among non-smokers.
What are the changes that occur after quitting smoking
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