It is necessary to take care to strengthen your immune system during pregnancy, Vthafeza on your health and the health of your baby. And we offer you an article today in the ways of my health group that will help you boost your immune.
- Eat a healthy and balanced diet containing plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables and foods made from whole grains. This will give you the diverse group minerals and antioxidant vitamins, such as vitamin C, which helps fight infections.
- Drink plenty of fluids, and choose drinks such as water, or herbal tea, or fruit juice, it helps you to purify your body and increase the levels of vitamins and minerals. Try to limit the amount of drinks that contain caffeine and stay away from soft drinks and juices that contain high levels of sugar.
- Make sure to get enough rest when you feel the need for it, and try to relieve nervous tension, or stress to the barest minimum.
- And Azba on some exercise may improve your circulation and help you fight infections that may have Taatardan. And learn exercise safe during pregnancy.
- You quit smoking not only because it is very harmful to your child, but also because it harms the immune device.
- You can do without taking vitamin supplements pregnancy in case you eat a variety of healthy foods, as you get through all the vitamins that you need it.
Ways to strengthen the immune when pregnant
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