The acidity of the most prominent problems of fasting during Ramadan. The causes of this problem goes back to that fasting causes the reduction of gastric acid secretion which works to digest food, and when the smell of food during the day on an empty stomach, it leads to increased secretion of stomach acid and then catch a fasting person heartburn. But what are the main causes that lead to acidity? And how you can get rid of them?

Of the main reasons that lead to the acidity of the stomach:
- Start eating inappropriate foods such as soft drinks at breakfast and suhoor or between diets.
- Fatty foods that contain high levels of fat.
- Eating too much stimulants such as coffee, tea, among other diets.
- Smoking of the most powerful motivating causes of heartburn is an injury during the holy month.
Tips to get rid of the acidity of the stomach
- The fasting breeding eat fiber-rich foods during meal suhoor.
- Careful to walk for half an hour after eating breakfast two hours.
- Replacing fried foods grilled foods to reduce the acidity of the stomach.
- Remove bird skins before cooking, to reduce the incidence of stomach Bhmodh.
- Eating from 8 to 12 glass of water between breakfast and suhoor.
- Fruit and vegetable intake helps to regulate the digestive process.
- Reduce the intake of pickles and spices because it is one of the most important Mcespbat acidity.

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