A lot of people feel a sudden dizzy in a lot of cases, and sometimes they are in movement or dwelling, raising questions about the rotor and if this was bad or that he opposed the indicator should not be too much attention to it.

What is a roundabout?
Must first introduce you to the meaning of the rotor and the reason for its occurrence, it is an imbalance in the balance of the body as a result of the interruption of blood from the brain leads to a temporary interruption of oxygen for a period. It can be associated with a feeling of dizziness lightly in the head, or nausea and even vomiting. The occurrence and frequency of the rotor index serious things, the rotor can lead to loss of consciousness and fall to the ground means the possibility of bumping the head and bleeding in the brain or concussion.
Is the sudden dizziness dangerous?
If the rotor suddenly happened but did not happen again, it can be considered as circumstantial exhibitors. But if this happened again and suddenly you feel dizzy, it means that there is a problem and must determine the cause, which leads to the rotor, and the main reasons are the following:
- Anemia: the harsh diets and bad nutrition may Akunan a major cause of injury and sudden frequent dizzy which means the body lacks essential nutrients.
- Low or high blood pressure: sudden dizziness can be an indication of low or high blood pressure, so it is advisable when measuring the pressure feeling light-headed to note any changes.
- Low sugar level in the blood: this often happens with diabetes, in case of delayed from eating or taking medication can suffer sudden dizziness, and must act quickly to compensate for the lack of sugar.
- The presence of head injury: alerted to the possibility that the sudden dizziness associated with a previous injury to the head caused by shock or impact did you give any importance. If you have any doubts should see a doctor quickly.

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