Followed by a lot of people herbal remedy to get rid of diseases and infections. This can sometimes be an effective treatment, but in return can cause complications and side effects threaten human life in the case was to continue it. What are the risks of herbal remedies? The
The use of herbal remedies
People turn to herbal remedies because they loosen the nerves and live pain. And sold in tablets or containers are used for the treatment of pain episodes Batn, Alashal, gravel in Alkly, Alamsak, cough Alhad, Alzar, pains to reduce blood sugar and weight loss.
The risks of herbal remedies
Dangerous than herbal treatment and cause many side effects especially in people who follow the medical treatment because some herbal medicine and natural medicine mixtures conflict with the composition and sometimes cause poisoning.
There are other risks include:
- Slow heartbeat
- Weaken the immune system
- Anticoagulation
- Hypotension
- Falling blood sugar
- Anemia
- Severe dizziness
- Nausea and vomiting
Also, if we continue this treatment may contribute to worsen the condition of the patient and lead to injury serious health problems such as:
- Digestive disorder
- Internal bleeding
- The brain and muscle atrophy
- The emergence of abnormalities of the fetus if it is taking medication during pregnancy
When it becomes dangerous herbal remedy!
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