It is important to follow the pregnant carry first to discover any kind of complications that may occur during pregnancy Vttdarkha, and secondly to enjoy, accompanied by her step by step and find out all the details related to mental development. What about fetal movement? When did you start running?

- The embryo starts to move, starting from the eighth week of pregnancy any second month, but its movements can not be felt, but are disclosed only imaging ultrasound.

- Usually begins with a sense of the movement of the fetus of pregnant at the beginning of the fifth month or week 18 of gestation in pregnant women first pregnancy. But you can from carried by the fetus can feel the movement by virtue of their experience more of any of 16 per week of pregnancy.

- Fetal movement initially formed by collision of small anterior abdominal wall of the fetus parties, and much with the development of pregnancy to become more and more powerful.

- Varies each holder sense the movement of the fetus from the others, as it varies when the woman herself from pregnancy to another, and therefore it can not be any judgment holder on the safety of the fetus to feel how the movements, but their number.

Fetal movement ... is a positive indicator for the health of pregnancy

- May be delayed sense of the movement of the fetus during pregnancy due to natural causes, such as error in the calculation of the pregnancy or the fact that the front of the placenta that relieves the parties bumping the fetus to the uterine wall or as a result of severe swelling of the intestines, severe constipation.

- There is rarely satisfactory reasons for the delay in the sense of movement, such as liquid Alaminona deficiency or some diseases that infect the fetus and weaken the locomotor apparatus. According to a doctor's visit and perform ultrasound in the detection of these reasons and reassure pregnant on the health of the fetus.

- It is important to follow-up the number of fetal movements, especially at the end of the eighth and ninth months of pregnancy. The number of fetal movements at a rate of ten per day movements of useful practices that should all get used to the holder, Lack of these movements may indicate a lack of jobs and the placenta. It requires a plan for baby's heartbeat and ultrasound examination to make sure the blood supply is naturally of the fetus, especially if exceeded pregnant ninth month, as the lack of fetal movement at the end of the ninth month may be evidence of the necessity of rapid birth to avoid bad consequences.

- Fetal movement vary during the day, ie, it increases after meals and after drinking stimulants such as tea and coffee usually movement and less in times of pregnant accustomed eternity to rest. It also breaks the fetus also depends on the movement, but a short period of up to an hour or two, but soon comes back again and movement usually planning baby's heartbeat is normal in this case.

- Of movements by the fetus inside the uterus coup from side to side and rotation from top to bottom, in addition to moving the hands and feet and sucking fingers, as in newborns. It can also see that ultrasound examination, a sign that the safety of the fetus inside the uterus

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