10 indicators of iron deficiency in your body iron deficiency anemia affect the body significantly leads to the fragility of the nail and continuous fatigue, and increase the incidence rates in women than men, and because of the loss of large amounts of blood in menstruation and childbirth, and here we show you the top 10 signs indicate iron-deficiency anemia
- Fatigue: Iron body is used to configure the hemoglobin Contact Person for the transfer of oxygen in the blood, and therefore Lack of iron means unhealthy blood cells and the proportion of less oxygen in the blood, causing fatigue.
- Difficulty concentrating: neurotransmitters affected by a lack of iron in the blood, leading to a lack of efficiency
- Apathy: Because the nervous system is also affected by a lack of iron Valvetor marks.
- Shortness of breath: You may suffer from shortness of breath, whether you're evaluating physical effort or even walk to the car and that too because of the lack of oxygen in the body.
- Pale skin: This is the reason for this lack of circulation flow and the low number of red blood cells - the difficulty of exercise: According to a recent study, the proportion of iron deficiency in the blood affect your ability to endurance and therefore I will not say any effort to do.
- Muscle pain: Do you feel the pain for a long time after exercise? Reason may be due to iron deficiency rate, which deprives the muscle's ability to recover quickly
- Dry nails dry and cracked nails of iron deficiency signs Tsttiei will not get rid of this bad care of the external appearance only.
Repeated infections: frequent injury unwell sign of iron deficiency, especially respiratory illnesses injury.
- Redness urine: normal to suffer from redness urine when eating beets and it happens to 14% of people, but the ratio is greater between the cases of iron deficiency occurs due to increased intestinal absorption of pigments in Balbnger.
In the end, you Madam attention to your health and an integrated healthy diet, and you can perform a blood test to determine the proportion of hemoglobin, and you can improve that ratio to eat foods that contain high levels of iron like spinach, beets and the liver and other foods, and are advised to always eat vitamin C with iron to help improve the absorption of iron in the blood.
10 indicators of iron deficiency in your body
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