Grills are one of the most delicious and healthy foods that contain a few calories and are very healthy foods. But many may not know the risks of excessive consumption of grills and this is what we will provide in this subject to be aware of them to work on reducing them and their negative impact on health.


The risks of over-eating grills

The risk of over-eating grills is that the process of roasting leaves some harmful compounds to the health of grilled foods. The amount depends on the type of fuel used in barbecue, such as coal, and the more fat in the food the more these harmful compounds on the surface of the food Larger. This is without forgetting that the closer the grilled food comes from the source of fire, the more harmful compounds on the surface of the meat are larger.


Excessive intake of grilled foods can lead to cancer, especially for people who eat grilled fish twice a week and are more likely to develop stomach cancer.


To reduce the negative effects of grills on health, low-fat foods should be selected to avoid harmful compounds, cutting meat into thin slices before roasting, to reduce the time needed for meat to mature, and to reduce its survival time over the heat source.


It is also necessary to maintain the tools used for barbecue clean before use, to make sure they are free from the effects of burning materials and to maximize the possibility of eating vegetables and materials rich in antioxidant compounds to reduce the effects of these substances on the body without forgetting the need not to expose the meat to smoke, Place it slanted to avoid burning fat and rising smoke from them.

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