When planning a pregnancy, a woman attention to their health and diet regime in order to ensure safe and healthy pregnancy. So you should focus on foods that contain a lot of essential vitamins and minerals essential for the success of her pregnancy. Among these vitamins, vitamin E, which is known as the "sex vitamin" because of the great importance of sexual health for both men or women. Also called vitamin fertility.


The importance of vitamin E

Vitamin E plays a major role when planning for pregnancy, because it is very beneficial for fertility. It is an anti-oxidant and is responsible for cell regeneration and preservation of the damage, and thus is very important in maintaining the overall health of the body and the immune system. This vitamin is taken before pregnancy, if a woman planning a pregnancy, and during pregnancy, but usually only folic acid and vitamin D given. And that any deficiency in this vitamin leads to a decline in the fertility rate by a large margin, so the disregard many couples eating healthy and rich in its meals, leading to weakness of opportunities procreation, and sometimes to infertility in the couple, and this is proven by numerous studies.


The role of vitamin E during the planning for pregnancy

This vitamin is a stimulating effect on the function of reproduction. With regular use, it helps to balance the hormones, irregular menstrual cycle. Consequently, the lack of vitamin E in the body, often leads to a dysfunction in the ovary in women, which prevents the maturation of the egg. It is also essential to form the placenta. Vitamin E is beneficial to increase the number of sperm in men and strengthened, and the deficiency in the body of a man causing a blockage in the seminiferous tubules, and sometimes atrophy in testicular tissue, and thus reduce the chances of fertilization.


Appropriate dose

Doctor should be consulted in Mai_khas appropriate dose that should be taken. Traditional Valjrah of this vitamin for women is about 15 mg per day. You can get this vitamin through food. It is located in abundance in peanuts, soybeans, corn, grain, animal fats, nuts, herbs and vegetables.

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