Among the many things that we do not know about our body, we are today through this article we will give you important facts about the digestive system're new to it for the first time in her article is your body so you do not you fall in any trouble later.


- There are important for digestive facts, including that the stomach is working to purge food from microbes through the secretion of acid gastric of specialized cells in the inner wall of the stomach and is this acid functions of several, including that he fought for some of the contaminants that may be stuck with food.


- Digestive tract involved in the process of digesting food when human intake because it settles inside for longer or shorter depending on the type of food and the degree of hardness and walls of the stomach contractions move food particles inside and mixed acid ulcer operate, making it easier digestion phase in the intestine.


- Digestive tract involved in the absorption of iron when you eat, and while he was in the stomach, the iron found in some foods is absorbed through the existing minute Alkhamlat within the inner lining of the stomach. It is worth mentioning that a very important and necessary component of the iron for blood building and when human deficiency anemia hurt.


- Stomach receives the food you intake on human condition and human food is the fuel that drives all organs of the body and in the event that the food is harmful, it affects the body.

- It is possible that the chewing gum remains in the stomach for a long time where it does not melt in the mouth like other foods and stomach as well as you can not be digested.


- Warm food causes ulcers in the digestive tract and preferably aspirin, irreversible and Alaaboroffan.

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