Salmon is a type of oily fish, which contains a high content of protein, fatty acids such as omega-3 is very beneficial for the growth of the body, in addition to having a lot of nutrients, such as vitamins B12, D, B3, and various minerals phosphorus bombs, and can eat salmon fresh or smoked as Smoking is the way of the old ways to preserve food so as not to lose their nutritional value, one of the healthy ways to eat salmon.
Whether smoked salmon cold or hot, food has nearly priceless, because eating smoked salmon can help fight cardiovascular disease as a result of it contains oils, omega-3, it also contributes to reducing the proportion of fat in the blood, increase relaxation and larger vessels arteries the other, reducing blood clotting and inflammation in the blood vessels.
Benefits of smoked salmon on public health
It enhances the salmon from the body's overall health because it contains the largest percentage of the recommended amount of vitamin D is very important for the performance of the biological processes naturally daily dose, and protects against infection with lots of illnesses such as fatigue, diseases of bones and muscles, and even cancer.
Salmon is effective in disease prevention
Omega-3 found in salmon protects against infections arthritis and osteoporosis because it contains anti-inflammatory natural properties, in addition to the food rich in Omega 3 increase the efficiency of the functions of the brain, improve memory and prevent Alzheimer's disease, and Parkinson's. Omega-3 oils have shown impressive results in the fight against cancer cells and eliminate them, such as breast cancer cells, prostate cancer, skin cancer, and liver cancer.
Salmon for the prevention of heart disease
In salmon fatty acids help keep the heart healthy and avoid injury much of it related to diseases such as infections, and the risk of atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, stroke, and by eating salmon on a regular basis.
Salmon skin for Perfect Health
It gives regular consumption of salmon skin glow healthy body, and shield them from the appearance of premature signs of aging such as fine wrinkles and lines, and keep the skin soft and smooth because it contains antioxidants such as carotenoids, which fight free radical activity.
Salmon is perfect in diets
Smoked salmon is a healthy snack advised by addressing nutrition experts, especially those who follow a diet to lose weight because they contain a large amount of protein, and cholesterol which is low, and does not contain carbohydrates.
Salmon to boost the immune system
Vitamins in salmon sponsor in promoting the health of the nervous system, and protect it from age-related progress which anti-depressants diseases. And contribute to the active substances found in salmon treating dry eye syndrome, and it also reduces high blood pressure, linked to progress in life, which is the first cause of blindness. Salmon also contains active substances to resist depression and help improve a person's mood and the stability of the psychological condition.
Health benefits will not Tsedkoha smoked salmon
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