Runny nose caused by any order to irritate or cause symptoms of inflammatory nasal tissue. Valalthabat colds and flu may cause runny nose as well as the sensitivity of various irritants. Cold or cold is an acute viral infection that affects the upper respiratory tract, particularly the nose and pharynx and is highly contagious.


Ranges fluid that comes down from the nose between the liquid net and thick mucus produced by the nose and surrounding tissue and blood vessels in the nose. The liquid discharge nasal whatever the texture may come out from the nose or moving back of the throat or both part and runny nose may socialize with nasal congestion in some cases.


What causes gonorrhea nasal?

Flu and colds and inflammation nasal non-allergic and allergic to dust and sometimes allergic to fungi or against certain foods like milk and Acute sinusitis and chronic as the adenoids may cause gonorrhea nasal cold climates, dry air and hormonal changes and inhalation of strong perfumes.


Cold or runny nose starts after infection with colds and the reason for that goes back to the cells lining the nose and sinuses are trying to expel the virus and washed norepinephrine large amounts of liquid mucus or gonorrhea nasal and turns mucus two days later to white or yellow, depending on the virus type and when you return the natural bacteria in the upper respiratory tract to the activity, after getting rid of the common cold virus, the color of mucous secretions changed to green color and this is normal at the end of a cold infection does not mean that the patient needs an antibiotic for the treatment of secretions of green.


No Shafi from colds or runny nose and antibiotics treatment has no role in the treatment of viral disease and it is not bacteria do not benefit the antibiotic therefore advised not to use it, but using treatments to relieve symptoms and minimize them.

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