Winter depression or the so-called winter depression, which is known in the medical world seasonal depression, which is part of depression that appears when people Main and come back and be repeated at the same time each year, and in this case, come back and repeated in the winter.


Even if the situation did not develop into a winter depression, but most of us know the case of the sharp drop in mood that may arise with the onset of winter, may sometimes boils down to a mild depression saddened In other cases could be up to put Ayadi which requires drug treatment and medicines. Therefore, it is important to understand and know when seasonal depression turns into depression Ayadi which requires immediate treatment.


The causes of winter depression

Winter depression may result for several reasons, including environmental causes and other civilized, and the other related to the development of, for example, where it is known that little exposure to the sun during daylight hours may contribute to the development of state of depression. It is known that depression is most prevalent in the country, which has fewer hours of light a day because the ratio spread of depression up there to 12% of the population.


Tips and methods for the treatment of winter depression

To resist winter depression Here are some tips:


- Actively doing sports frequently: One explanation for the emergence of depression in the winter is hormonal changes in the body, including the low level of serotonin, which causes depression, and do sports actively increases the level of serotonin, and thus is used as a natural anti-depressant.


- Exposure to light: the sun's rays to help in balancing hormonal changes that cause depression, and help raise the energy and activity level. In the absence of the possibility of exposure to sunlight, or in the rainy days can be used for artificial lighting such as fluorescent lighting, as an alternative.


- Drug therapy: in cases where attempts fail to increase serotonin naturally, you should see your doctor, who can help in drug treatment, since depression occurs due to the low level of serotonin. In this case it is recommended that you are treated by drugs that help to raise the level of serotonin.


- Maintaining a healthy and balanced diet: eating foods recommended vehicle of complex carbohydrates, so they are a long digestive process and keeps the body to blood sugar and the level of serotonin in a stable condition for a long time.


- Not in favor of that person stays alone: ​​Despite the lack of energy that characterizes the winter depression, it is recommended to mix with people and not to stay alone.


- Behavioral therapy: People respond differently to the change of the seasons, and sometimes can be overcome depression winter by learning new behavioral ways. Through behavioral therapy, the application can learn and absorb new and positive ways of behavior fit in with the changing reality.


- Use light-colored curtains in the house so as not to obscure the light of our case, which improves mood.


- Allow sunlight to enter into corners of the house, and to maintain proper ventilation is always home.


- Change the daily routine of life, and try to add what is new in the fixed daily business, and the introduction of some of the entertainment and pleasure.


- Interview any problem with a smile and released welcomed, considering the positive thing that will Nstvad him of the problem that we've had.


- Closer to positive people in our lives, and away from any person who could have issued us a negative energy may raise some frustration and laziness.

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