Once the body begins to enter an unusual state of inactivity or deficiencies begin to wonder about the reason behind it do not be surprised if the thyroid gland are the main reasons, so to know this topic with us today through this article.

Symptoms of deficiency or hypothyroidism

Of the most prominent symptoms of thyroid inflammation mention permanent constipation and weight gain is normal in spite of poor appetite when the person even after following a regular diet. Besides public person feels tired and feel sluggish throughout his body and continued Alaae and even that some patients do not Attion everyday tasks without a nap or even a small period of rest may not Agrbun doing business as well. With inflammation of the thyroid gland in the body a person feels cold and inability to tolerate cold weather, the thyroid disruption regulate body temperature. Also exfoliates the skin and hair dry and flaking when a person with impaired thyroid and becomes dry and coarse hair. Slowed thinking when a person can not become a conclusion also has a weakness in the muscle with difficulty moved well and produces it also slow the heartbeat with disturbances in Dqath and swelling in the neck and the different sound shows snoring when sleeping.

The causes of hypothyroidism

The reason lies in hypothyroidism in the pituitary gland or brain problem and the most common cause is a condition caused by the body through the production of antibodies that attack the thyroid gland, hypothyroidism is also produced because of numerous disorders including lymphocytic thyroiditis and the Palace of the thyroid is caused by a side opposed to a medication with problems the pituitary gland and severe iodine deficiency.

Thyroid treatment

Treat idle thyroid is usually simple and be by eating grain alternative to hormone thyroxine once a day. Dosage is addressed gradually and sometimes moving patients to alternative medicine to address the situation, but has not yet been any solutions in this area prove.

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