After nine months of pregnancy, many changes occur in a woman's body, which ends with childbirth. When approaching deadline, uterine contractions increasingly frequently, to expand the cervix. Prior to the time of birth women feel the pain may not be a symptom of the real labor and called a liar open. Find out with my health site on the open real.


The difference between the true and the false open


The open-false does not lead to an expansion in the cervix, and can distinguish whether true or false outdoor monitor cervical dilatation enough of a birth.


How to tell the approaching birth


- The presence of vaginal discharge and be in the form of mucus

- Increase pressure on the pelvic area

- Frequent urination due to great pressure on the bladder


Real open symptoms


- The presence of severe pain in the back and abdomen

- Contractions of the cervix and increase its hardness

- Uterine secretion of mucus which is accompanied by small amounts of blood


How Taatokdan more?


For cervical and measure the expansion of the uterus clinical examination indicates the presence of a real gunshot.


The reasons for the open occurrence of false


Growing pains open after the false citizenship process and increase physical activity mother, or increased fetal movement in the womb. The lack of fluids in the body of a pregnant, dry genitals caused.

Can be mitigated by the false a shower with warm water outdoor pain, taking enough fluids, change the status of the body to walk, and should see a doctor to monitor the occurrence of the expansion of the cervix.

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