Constipation may be in infants are common, especially if the children are dependent on artificial feeding, or when starting a bistro solid foods. But this case and although it is a natural negatively affect the child's temperament and being prevented from taking out a stool and thus caused him pain in the stomach. Hence, we offer you in this issue home remedies for constipation in an infant.






Home remedies for constipation in an infant


It should be noted at the outset, that the limited number of times the output of the child is not a sign of constipation. It is very natural things. As you should pay attention to the need for non-industrial use laxatives or enemas as much as possible, but under the supervision of a physician. In what singled home treatments we offer some of them, including:


- Small amounts of fruit juice diluted: You can give a little fruit juice diluted with water between feedings daily normal child, because the sugar in the juice helps get rid of constipation, and advised in this regard rely on fruits that do not irritate the baby apples, peaches stomach.


- Sports movements: that animate the child's body may be helpful to relieve constipation has, since what the mother but to put her child on a soft cloth and move his legs in circular motions resembled the wheel movement, where you pay the right leg to hand right shoulder and left hand, left shoulder and leg, with gently tilt towards the left and right, these movements help to move poring colon to facilitate the process bring out the stool.


- The bathroom warm: warm water is one of the necessary treatments for constipation in babies, not in terms of the effect on the stomach, but in terms of alleviating the discomfort as a result of constipation and therefore, the warm bath helps to relax the muscles of your child's clenched induced constipation.

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