There are several reasons for a person to deal with energy drinks, but that without the knowledge of the catastrophic dangers. Today we are through this thread you we will shed light on the damage to energy drinks and energy drinks warn you of Ramadan.
The risks of energy drinks
A study presented at the European Society of Cardiology conference in 2014 and noted that energy drinks cause heart disease Kalzbhh cardiac arrhythmia and sudden death because they contain caffeine. Besides these drinks contain strong stimuli lead to the emission of a huge amount of calcium within heart cells, leading to irregular and affects its ability to use oxygen.
Damage energy drinks as a whole
Energy drinks cause migraines for the person who addressed so as to change the amounts of caffeine dramatically in the body, as well as the consumption of these drinks lead to sleep disorders. It is worth mentioning that energy drinks contain large amounts of sugar and use it increases the amount of insulin produced by the pancreas cells that Faisab Msthlkha diabetes. It is known that eating large energy drinks Bmkiat cause a heart attack especially if the heart is weak and also contributes to the contraction of the heart muscle.
Eating a lot of energy drinks is equivalent to eating large amounts of caffeine, which negatively affects the mood in general and strengthens the emotional problems when a person along with increasing nervousness. This energy drinks cause Parkinson's disease and gastrointestinal upset, dizziness, high blood pressure and expansion teeth and calcium deficiency, obesity and caffeine poisoning
Stay away from energy drinks in Ramadan
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