What is keratosis disease Essafi? Question has posed many people it is possible to be among people infected without knowing the risks, even small that may be posed to them. Here is a day through this thread all you need to know Him for keratosis Essafi disease and its symptoms and risks.
Keratosis disease Essafi
Essafi disease keratosis is a skin injuries in one place from the skin or in several places which appear in parts of the skin that are often exposed to the sun continuously and severe. Of these places in the skin mention thrusting, neck and hand. These injuries begin to appear in the skin after the age of thirty, and the incidence is high when more men than women. Symptoms appear when the people who work in the sun for a long time, including farmers and sailors.
How do we note the emergence of keratosis disease Essafi?
The disease appear on the skin of people are dry and coarse skin and podded be covered with scales glued and colored yellow or brown with redness of the skin underneath. These spots remain in the majority of times for years and not disappear It is possible that a small possibility of turning into a skin cancer and therefore prefer to be treated not only for reasons of cosmetic to reduce the likelihood of skin cancer.
Methods of treating keratosis Essafi
There are several ways to treat keratosis Essafi and treatment depends on the number, location and nature of Altqrnkalnatroyjan liquid chemical peels, laser and other ways depending on what the situation demands.
Beware of keratosis disease Essafi!
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