By the spring With the approach of summer and high temperatures increase the spread of harmful insects that carry toxins and microbes and viruses, so it is necessary to take the necessary precautions to prevent them and prevent their spread in homes and nurseries without the need to use pesticides chemicals harmful to human health, especially for children and people who suffer from problems breathing and asthma.
What are the harmful insects?
The large number of insects, especially those that fly pose a threat to human life, health and transported him many epidemics and viruses and diseases and insects:
- Locusts: This type of insect belongs to the family of grasshoppers, which does not harm humans but spends on agricultural crops fully locusts come en masse and enormous Pavoaj.
- Ants hopping: spread this kind of ants in East Africa, Central and attacking anything blocking their way and eliminate the toxic Edtha pets and Al endanger the health of people who have weakened immune.
- Jumper ants: Ants jumper ants is relatively large with a length of 6 cm and a capacity of almost fatal and inject their prey strong name unforgiving which must be addressed directly Nip because they lead to increased heart rate and start Almkarosh region in irritation.
- African bee or Almafrqh or lethal: This is kind of the most dangerous types of bees attacking large groups and chasing their prey almost a kilometer away and causing the death of a person who is exposed to Qrstha.
- Hornet Asian giant: it is the largest wasp species and a length of 5 cm and 8 cm its wings and is fatal to its capacity as may melted human tissue because of the high chemical concentration in the SMH and this type of wasps can sting multiple times without being affected.
- Fly Insect movement of typhoid, cholera, conjunctivitis pus.
- Mosquito: Mosquitoes frequently in wet bodies in the ponds and marshy areas, and conveys a lot of dangerous diseases, yellow fever, malaria and recently Alkiza virus.
- Fleas: the movement of an insect plague fleas that spread its way from rats, cats and dogs to humans.
Effective Tips to get rid of insects
Here are some tips that will allow you to get rid of the insects in the house and its surroundings without the need to use pesticides that may be harmful to health, and these tips:
- The use of mint dry bags, and place them in the corners from which the ants.
- Spray white vinegar on the bottom of the walls to prevent the ants from coming out.
- To eliminate cockroaches advised by mixing equal quantity of white sugar and Baking soda and then put it where he graduated from cockroaches.
- To eliminate the mosquitoes are advised to put liquid soap in a deep dish and mixed with water and left in Algrqh can also cook the garlic, then use the water to be sprayed in the air of the room.
- Cleaning pools of dirty water to prevent the spread of the poisonous mosquitoes that transmit epidemics and viruses.
Thus the spread of insect struggling in the spring summer
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