Malabsorption is a state of turmoil in the digestion and absorption of nutrients process or their compounds in the intestines, as a result of changing the structural and chemical components of food in the intestinal cavity, and the transfer of nutrients from the cavity through Tlana tissue to blood circulation and lymphatic system. This requires fast processing Sankhvha in this subject through my health site.
The treatment of malabsorption
Before starting the treatment of malabsorption on the patient that is to follow some of the necessary tests that help detect bugs early, and treat malabsorption it is divided into two parts: drug treatment and physical therapy.
The drug therapy to obtain the appropriate therapeutic doses that help in getting rid of this problem rapidly, as a result of medical and Ceflh either in the form of injection therapy, or in the form of pills taken by mouth, there are also some drugs that contain vitamins that help you get rid of these health problem, and the acquisition of nutrients from supplements received by the body from time to time.
As for the physical therapy it is based on the compensation nutrients that proves the lack thereof during the testing, and attention as possible to treat the disease or virus that leads to malabsorption, and add the missing nutrients, especially since the tests will always be to discover the shortcomings of food in the human body. And it is compensated through drugs or foods fortified with these materials. Thus Such treatments lead to a complete cure or at least alleviate malabsorption.
The problem of the treatment of malabsorption must be fast to avoid health problems that may be caused by the hand of the imbalance in the body, or even down to anemia.
How can I treat malabsorption?
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