Compensate cells from each other through a complex process which is cell division, so as to produce another version of the DNA. In cases of natural division is naturally what allows the body to compensation of lost cells, and any glitch affects this division causes the person disease. In this issue we will see how the proliferation of abnormal cells, normal cell growth, rather than what leads to the emergence of many types of tumors.
Benign tumors and malignancies
Due to a bug that gets as we mentioned earlier show a lot of them are benign tumors such as malignant and benign tumors are usually coated with a membrane and spread in the body, and put pressure on a patient and organ that surrounds the latter, the latter will prevent doing its job properly. Benign tumors with drugs, medicines or radiotherapy may heal the size Tdgar It is also possible disposal surgery.
Regarding malignant tumors are spread and attack cells and tissues and destroy them and be spread three: either spread directly to the tissues and organs surrounding either through the lymphatic system or move in the body with the blood circulation ways.
Symptoms of malignant tumor diagnosis
Symptoms range from mild headache affects a person in the morning, or nausea and vomiting, with some cramps and in some cases it may be a weakness in a gradual senses. The appearance of this tumor by CT scans and magnetic resonator of the head to make sure the ratio spread or not.
Methods of treating malignant tumor
Doctors have advised in some cases is advanced by surgery to remove the tumor if the topically in order to avoid the occurrence of neighboring organs under pressure, but in some places minute as the head or brain may be difficult to undergo surgery remains radiotherapy or chemotherapy is the most appropriate solution for the patient to try healing.
Why quorum tumors?
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