The widespread asthma often between people and considered by some as an advanced sensitivity and importance of Ember but the asthma sometimes could kill human beings must be aware of the situation and try to address them as soon as possible with the followers of all the ways to prevent aggravation. To you today through this story foods that you should stay clear of them under any circumstances Asapetkm asthma because they worsen your case.
What is asthma?
Asthma is an inflammation in the air ducts in the lungs accumulate a large amount of phlegm in the air ducts and leads to blockage. Asthma symptoms varying between one person and another from rattles to light whistling when you breathe and the asthma attacks there that could put lives at risk Vahdhiroha.
Asapetkm asthmatic condition, stayed away from these foods
- Eggs: The eggs from more asthma-causing foods because the egg white contains one of the proteins that trigger allergies and cause asthma.
- Shellfish: Shellfish lead to significant allergic reactions, one of the causes of asthma so everyone is infected with the disease should go away from it.
- Milk: calcium, of course, is very important for the health of Aghannsan from the bones and teeth will be components of the protein are more causes asthma so it should be replaced by other foods in calcium.
- Peanuts: Still the link between peanuts and asthma is uncertain but some research forged Hence your duty prevention.
- Wheat: found in wheat gluten protein, which may cause the onset of asthma, along with some of the infections that may prevent Aghannsan of breath.
- Soy: Soy is a catalyst for asthma attacks because it has rented a protein or an allergen.
In injury with asthma does not deal with these foods
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