The newborns are more likely to many health problems exposed, especially as they are ignorant of expression and therefore it is difficult for parents to know what suffer. Therefore offer you the most popular when infant health problems.
Popular health problems in infants
- Swelling and hardening of the abdomen: newborn infected birth gases, especially after feeding due to lack of digestive tract's ability to digest fully operational, the mother may feel stiff baby belly bulges because of the injury, which could be accompanied by constipation. If a hardening of the belly of the child for more than two days and stopped output should contact your doctor processor.
- A persistent cough: child coughs naturally during infancy and especially if the milk in a heavy flow or while drinking water for the first time, but the cough must be stopped after a period when the habitual child swallowing and feeding If cough and its owner continued to be passed buzzing sound during lactation or lost sleep this indicates the existence of problems in the lungs or the digestive system.
- Constant crying: crying baby from natural things, especially in the first weeks after birth due to lack inured to the surrounding environment, and crying is the way of the child to express his needs such as feelings of hunger, dirty diaper, feeling cold, a child with colic or constipation, and after a while you get used Mother on the way crying baby can cry and linking between its needs.
- Birth injuries: the child may become infected during the birth process, especially if the mother suffered from a long period pangs or if the large size of the child. Most children recover quickly from childbirth injuries but some of them may need several weeks to heal.
These are the common health problems in infants
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