Breast-feeding is one of the most important stages of the mother and fetus that passing out, because of its importance to the health of the fetus and pain alike. This is because breast-feeding is the main reason for the immunity he had in his first months, but this may suddenly stop at the mother, and that's what we'll show it on this subject with solutions.
Reasons undescended breast milk after birth
- Waiting for a long time after birth to start breastfeeding.
- Feed the first child was delayed for medical reasons without notice that the mother used a hood or manual modernization, so as not to accumulate at least as milk and in severe cases of yellow.
- Separation of the child from the mother in the hospital and given industrial feeding, and that the main reasons for the failure of lactation.
- Breastfeeding a child in an uncomfortable situation for him.
- Do not breast-feed the baby frequent enough, which is the result of multiple causes, including pain in the nipple when breastfeeding may occur.
- That a child's ability to feeding a youngster or weakness.
- The use of certain medications, including birth control pills containing estrogen.
- The presence of a particular disease, Vkmyat milk may be few in women with biological or physical illnesses, including hormonal disorders.
- Exposure to surgery in the breast.
For undescended solutions breast milk after birth
- Ordaa your baby as soon as possible, the embraced immediately after birth, it begins feeding a baby in the first hour of his coming into the world.
- Drink plenty of water, especially before feeding your baby.
- Avoid smoking and all contain nicotine, it reduces the milk supply.
- Eat drinks help to milk production, such as the ring and Amoat.
- Put your baby in a comfortable position when feeding him.
- Try to suction the milk from the breast after each feed. It helps milk output in the remaining breast to increase milk production.
- Eat healthy food, and take a rest for some time, in order to focus on breast-feeding a baby.
These are the reasons undescended breast milk after birth
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