Colon diseases and problems of the frontrunners diseases became the first centers to more prevalent in this day and age and the entire people of diseases, and diseases of the colon comes to fall among the diseases that are chronic diseases, but not serious. In this issue we will talk about colon problems with thinness.
Colon problems
Colon problem associated with severe pain in the abdomen, especially in the lower region of it in addition to the problem of diarrhea and constipation, and sometimes little bulges may appear in the abdomen. It is known that the colon is a functional disease be any problem in the function of the colon, the colon is associated closely connected with the psychological and internal factors The more psychological pressure and tension has increased the problems and suffering, and the more relaxed a person is relieved pain eased.
Colon problems and thinness
Due to complications caused by colon problems a lot of people with this disease suffer from thin annoyingly so doctors these people advised to eat more than 5 meals per day, or three main meals plus 2 Snack or more during a single day. A must for every people who suffer from thin eating a spoonful of honey and one teaspoon of olive oil a day in the morning and evening As for the meals must be every time you start taking the main course and then eat a bowl of power in addition to access to fruits and sweets afterwards.
Important Alerts
The patient who is suffering from colon slim while eating food chewing food well and not drinking water never while eating, just after the completion of it a period of hours. No patient should eat vitamin pills to forget on a daily basis in the morning.
Is thinness cause colon problems?
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