Combined with winter excessive appetite for eating foods in order to provide energy and warm the body, causing weight gain, especially since it is in the winter need to be one of his house, where fear of his movement, and offers to eat the delicious foods without packaged the consequences of this behavior on his health, and affects negatively in his body, from the point of obesity, so we offer you my health site across a number of tips to control your appetite during this chapter.

Reasons for the high appetite in winter

Nutritionists point out that several reasons behind the heightened appetite in the winter, including: vacation and to meet domestic calls, as feeling depressed because of the short day and all night, with reference to the foods consumed fatty predominantly and rich in calories, include especially the "carbohydrates", fat and sugar .
Also, in the winter the body gets used to the accumulation of food intake in order to protect him, called notifications when feeling cold to keep the calories, and ask the owner taking a larger amount of food to feel the warmth
Tips to control appetite in during the winter

Nutritionists offers several tips for controlling appetite in the winter period, including:
- Eat a healthy snack, especially fruits and vegetables or a handful of nuts, thereby reducing the feeling of hunger, avoid eating with the largest amount of food on the main meals
- Stay away from fatty dishes meals and the use of soup before eating to reduce the amount of food consumed
- Eating two cups of water before a meal to reduce the amount of food the consumer
- Exercise, such as walking and light weight lifting, at home, and for a period of half an hour a day, making us feel the warmth and helps to burn food intake
- Exposure to you enough of the sun's rays, in order to improve the mood anyway.

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