Every body is different from the other body and every body reacts differently to external factors and with all what goes into him, such as medicines, and some objects may suffer from allergies combination. Despite the importance of medicines for treatment, but it may cause side effects such as allergies, and in fact this sensitivity does not appear until after the patient takes the medicine more than once. Why some people suffer from allergies to medicines?

Many of the things that could lead to the person Sense of medicine, including:

- Some as anti-inflammatory drugs and epilepsy treatments contain chemicals that may cause Hsaah in some people. When the patient takes the medication for the first time, the body automatically Bchgal anti-IgE and when to take the second dose shock composite materials for the drug with anti-IgE that causes the release of a large amount of histamine generates allergies.

- In many cases born in the body when exposed to certain drugs from the two types of anti-IgG and IgM antibodies and collide with this drug appears the patient's skin rash, high fever, damage to internal organs in some cases.
- Ratio for sensitivity in the event of taking the drugs in close or eating large amounts of drugs times higher.
- In the patient's allergies may develop in the event of diversion of the drug intravenously.

The most common types of allergies

- The sensitivity Alaktheranchara are rash, has been experienced by the patient for several days and in some cases the rash may remain for two weeks. This kind of sensitivity is often go away after you stop taking the medication.

- Anaphylactic reaction (Anaphylactic) is the most serious and Otndjem collision anti-IgE secreted by the body with medication allergies. The manifestations can be summarized thus: a feeling of tiredness and loss of consciousness, shortness of breath, wheezing, itching, and redness of the skin, swelling of the throat, nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain. The anaphylactic reaction to a threat to human health, and the appearance of these symptoms should go to the hospital as soon as the patient and inject adrenaline to avoid death. The manifestations of anaphylactic reaction starts to emerge after one hour of eating disease to the drug.

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