The swelling of the feet, which not have been caused by fatigue Bcesp frequent walking or high temperature, indicates serious illnesses require treatment. What are the causes of swollen feet?
Reasons must be aware of them
- Lack of exercise and excess weight.
- Among the exciting signs of concern injured legs and sudden swelling of the two men always suffer from swollen and functions intravenous clear endure for the night to review a doctor immediately.
- The catch of suffocation or chest pain associated with breathing, as well as accelerated heart rate and a sudden drop of blood pressure in conjunction with swollen feet, his condition is considered very serious as to indicate blockage of the pulmonary artery which is caused by venous thrombosis.
- If the swellings appeared on one man in the foot or heel or hip, usually it is caused by turbulent blood in the veins and arteries system.
- The Varicose veins and venous thrombosis and venous inflammation causes swelling of the man or one foot.
- If you hit the two men together Ptormat, it indicates the disease internal organs like the heart or kidney, liver or thyroid gland.
- The indicators or diseases that may cause swelling of the two men together are: lack of movement, and fatty tumors, and the weakness of the heart, and the weakness of the kidneys and liver disease.
- Lack of protein intake, and diabetes, and disorders in nutrition, allergies, poisoning, and hormonal disorders are factors that may lead to swelling of the feet.
- Some medications may play a role in swelling the two men, similar to NSAIDs or Almalseyoum channel blockers or diuretics or medications containing a substance cortisone, as well as drugs to prevent pregnancy and hormonal alternatives.
- Too much laxatives and alcoholic beverages.



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