He approached the holy month of Ramadan, and we must be ready to him from various aspects, whether spiritual, psychological or physical. So we offer you this group of food valuable tips

- Fasting may lead during the month of Ramadan, and especially during the summer, to fluid loss and dehydration. Therefore, care must be taken to drink clean water after breakfast and during the period until suhoor meal in order to maintain body fluids and avoid dehydration. We also recommend that you stay within the indoor or shady, which is cooler and especially during the daylight hours of high temperature, in addition to limiting the exercise of certain physical and sports activities specified, in order to maintain the body's energy and comfort throughout the fasting period.
- Lemon and citrus juices are generally considered healthy and refreshing drinks for breakfast, where the body contribute to the restoration of vitality and activity following the expiration of the long hours of fasting, and that because it has a high content of vitamin "C". We are also advised to add some green mint leaves to these juices, which are activated naturally contributes to alleviate the symptoms of nausea and fatigue, and improve digestion.
- Eating dates is an essential part of the diet during the month of Ramadan, and that for good reason boils down to fit on a wide range of nutrients, including fiber, vitamin "B6", potassium, manganese, as well as magnesium, copper, and that the body needs and get them constantly during the fasting hours long. Therefore, we recommend eating the fruits of dates, whether fresh or dried during periods breakfast and suhoor to supply the body with large quantities of energy.
- Avoid excessive intake of fatty and fried foods that cause indigestion and weight gain for breakfast, and replace it with foods cooked or steamed in the oven, or grilled or fried using a small amount of oil (frying surface). In addition to careful to eat a balanced diet containing carbohydrates and proteins useful and good fats, which clog the hunger and provide the body with the necessary nutrients.
- Desserts are an important part of the breakfast, but the over-covered lead to weight gain. Therefore, we recommend replacing it with fresh fruit or dried nuts. Also be careful to store fruit in a cool place during the summer.
- As for the meal fast, we recommend eating foods rich in complex carbohydrates, protein and fiber, so be "Gelaesimi" low index (degrade slowly glucose and released gradually in the blood), if possible, due to its important role in prolonging the feeling of fullness, and secure the energy needed by the body during the long hours of fasting.
- Reduction of exercise during the holy month of Ramadan, and only the exercise of walking at a moderate pace for 20 minutes after eating breakfast, and that will improve digestion and keep the body's general health and fitness.
- The practice of yoga and meditation in Ramadan helps to adapt to various changes in the lifestyle of fasting, especially those associated with the dates of sleep and meals.

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