Skin cysts are considered a kind of distortion that appears under Alvm, under Alzguen, mentales between the muscles and the neck. Cervical cysts are congenital or caused by inflammation sometimes be malignant or benign. We must learn more about my health through the site on the neck and types of cysts.
Symptoms of neck cysts
Symptoms of neck cysts include:
- Round the block a sleek appearance is painful under the front edge of the muscle in the pockets of the gill.
- Pain in the upper part of the respiratory tract.
- Difficulty in swallowing.
In case it is not the treatment of neck cysts may cause severe bleeding.
Types of cysts neck
Types of cysts neck vary by state and age of the patient, most notably:
- Alaola, neck that are malignant or benign tumor which is a metaphor for the soft texture bag filled with a viscous fluid and slow growth.
If Alhalh, evolved cause sac inflammation and lead to pain and covers redness of the skin.
Treatment is based on a course of antibiotics and then the bag is removed by surgery through the use of general anesthesia.
- Lipoma Hamidi, a tumor appears in the slow-growing mass of flesh and smooth texture. Be eliminated surgically.
- Allmphoui, tumor, which consists of a set of fast growth and appear on the side of the neck.
- Aldrgih, gland which is a malignant tumor, which appears on is a block in the neck.
- Sarcoma tumors, a group made up of the soft tissues of the neck and not to repeat their appearance is eradicated by surgery.

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