Suffers a lot of people from clogging the ear, which is painful and annoying at once, of course, some people looking for how to treat clogged ear, so from this we are today through this article we will give you how to treat clogged ear natural means easy accredited at home in a safe and harmless.


Symptoms of blockage of the ear

Among the many symptoms of clogged ear remind you a sense of pain in the ear with the hearing in the affected ear ringing, along with the sense of hearing loss caused by preventing the entry of sound waves. On the other hand, a person may feel a rise in temperature in the body and exit discharge from the ear as a result of inflammation. Ear blockage in a lot of cases, cause loss of balance in the body with the feeling of fullness ear or by order of a foreign body.


Treat clogged ear

You can try to treat clogged ear household ways, including bringing a towel moistened with warm water and put it on the ear to relieve the pain in an expeditious manner, and know that garlic is a cure for many diseases you may wish to bring a clove of garlic, peel and cut off his head and then put it in the ear of the night until the morning to open ear and the disappearance of pain.


With garlic You also got to address the blockage of the ear through the era of the garlic cloves with olive oil and put drops into the infected ear. They offered ear hot air for three minutes with moving the head to the front and back of the disappearance of obstructive fast time. You can chew gum in order to get rid of the liquid accumulated inside the ear and help treat clogged ear quickly. To ease the pressure on the ears moved the jaws to the front, back and sides.

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