Diabetics looking for solutions that each of its duty to return good for him and on his body and, of course, among these solutions we are today we will shed light on the subject of sport. Through this article we will give you the best calisthenics for patients with diabetes in order to try to practice in order to better health Thzawa without Itagl disease on your body than any hand was. Do not forget that sport is important for everyone, not just for people sick no matter what the health problem from which they suffer.


- Walking is one of the most important sports for all people, especially for patients with diabetes, it is important that his day it starts, and recommended that the patient walks simple Heights because this increases the effort of it, along with the increasing speed of his heartbeat and the sport does not cause any risk to him and his health.


- Scrambling slow or known rapid walking his useful for diabetics quick Valhrolh may cause him pain in the joints, but brisk walking is safe, it is advised not to be on the tips of the fingers and, of course, also should not be running down diabetics even slow manner in the long distances.


- Swim important and recommended for all persons, but for diabetics, we recommend that you swim for a very short distance in the first period of the sport and then begins to zoom in space a little bit, on the other hand we recommend the sport of swimming for women with diabetes weakness of pregnant women as well as people who suffer from arthritis.


- Riding a bike leaves a positive reaction in the body so it can recommend him for diabetics in order to move its vessels without being exercised very quickly and the harsh heights of course.

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