There are many health benefits to massage the body. Essential oils are not only help revive the body, but also helps to relax the mind and filtering. One of the most basic tools to get a massage right and effective way is a massage oil because the smell helps to feel comfortable and relax better.


Lavender oil

Of the best aromatic oil oils Alllafindr and humidifier for great skin is extracted from the plant lavender and dripping steamed and has many health benefits, including its ability to remove nervous tension and ease the pain and cleanse the scalp and skin and promote blood circulation addition Aalj device problems Altnevsa.dhu excellent effect on nerves and make it as quiet and helps in the treatment of migraine headaches and removes fatigue.


Jasmine Oil

Extracted from oil jasmine with a strong aromatic smell and stunning and is described as a natural remedy to get rid of cases of stress and anxiety depression and fatigue Fraianhtrf Almanoyat rights and feel happy and comfortable and works to send nerve messages to the specific area of ​​the brain that helps to control your emotions is ideal for softer skin and removing wrinkles and removes acne and handling fatty contouring.


Chamomile Oil

Works on the nervous system of anxiety and insomnia Meanwhile address Aalj pain indigestion and diarrhea also works against infections so it can be used to address the resulting Alajhadoisalh grain on the skin and skin problems can be added to bath water being Mahdi.


Basil oil

Oil provides basil feeling relaxed and refreshed It helps to relax and balance the body and can be used to massage the body Ooadavh points to prevent the bath water is also to help Alyalhaour rapid recovery or mixed with one of the essential oils and massage the area of ​​pain. Basil oil helps to cure indigestion or flatulence, especially if it was a result of anxiety

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