Upon the occurrence of any emergency incident in the House such as burns Statistics and the need for first-aid you can think about the contents of your kitchen will you find what helps you, and now know every day with the team medical information on how to use the onion, salt, honey and green tea in first aid ..

 1. Onions: Onions is used as a topical treatment in the treatment of burns as they happen is also used in the treatment of bee stings, and you can use it put a section of the onions on the place of the burn or sting.

 2. Green tea: green tea beginning of the many benefits of boosting the immune system, heart health, but also can be used in ambulances eyes bulging, caffeine found it helps to calm swelling and narrowing of the blood vessels.

 3 honey: honey has many benefits including that it helps the body get rid of the alcohol found in the body in addition to the faster it is rich in potassium, which make him lose body when infection with sugar, is also used to calm the burns.

.almlh: Salt contains anti-inflammatory properties and is a very good remedy to cure a sore throat for use with water Kgergerh. The Bmtboukk a lot of treatments that can you can use them in order to heal the wounds or soothe some of the pain before attending physician, if you've passed a test similar to these experiences, told them to take advantage and to the benefit.

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