Of the many questions posed by the person himself, we find many people who ask if their heart healthy. So we will give you today through this article highlights the reasons, if any, you know that your heart is not intact through.
- Malaise, fear, and this feeling is the incidence of signs of a stroke, heart attack feels Aghannsan tightness in his chest as if he really knew he would die soon.
- Chest pain, one of the most common signs among people with heart disease and here must be on the person immediately visit a doctor to diagnose the condition, and chest pain sometimes be due to difficulty breathing so the patient must know the right situation that is going through and learn to locate the pain, whether in the middle of the chest or is it heading toward the shoulder or left arm.
- A cough that is accompanied by a person for a long time is not good for the glad tidings that it may be signs that indicate the presence of heart problems because the fluid concentration increases in the lungs and cause coughing.
- Walt things to watch out for mention frequent dizziness with loss of consciousness, a condition is dangerous because it may cause sudden death.
- Signs of fatigue, which is a large special show on women especially when fatigue unexplained Here are advised to visit a specialist doctor to diagnose the condition.
- Vomiting or lack of appetite, two of the signs of heart attack with a loss of appetite to eat, besides accompanies this feeling pain in the abdomen in order to irregular heart action.
- Breathing difficulties, one of the signs of heart disease for that condition, have suffered from them should be a review of a specialist doctor to conduct the necessary tests.
Condition, did not suffer from these problems be heart healthy
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