It is important that the cancer patient knows what the key steps that must be taken and how it was his duty to treat the infected Aghannvlonza diffuse a lot during the cold winter. For that day and through this subject we will give you the most prominent things that the cancer patient do any way injured the flu.
- It is important to have a preventive vaccine, cancer patients from the flu and under any circumstances because it has suffered complications may occur due to weak immune system as a result of the disease.
- Should the cancer patient to take the flu shot does not depend sprays Anti her because sprays containing the live virus and weak while vaccines do not contain live virus, but is a neighborhood of course there is no harmful effects from it. It is possible that the temperature rise after the person receiving the vaccine and this naturally means that the body builds antibodies against the virus.
- To people who have recovered from cancer for a long time make it clear that they are more susceptible to the virus because they, especially if they have been infected in the past or Allimfumia leukemia and received chemical treatments which alter the immune system's response to disease for a long time.
- Any way affected by the immune system as a result of treatment Will the vaccine effective? Yes, of course, it is taking the vaccine is necessary even though it may not work properly, but taking it reduces the likelihood of getting the flu.
- Of course vaccines did not show Aghannvlonza as reduce any form of Aloohml cancer treatment and when mixing MATH Alrstan patient influenza him to consult his doctor what he must do if he had undergone radiation of the hearing or the recently chemotherapy because it may prescribe anti-viral.
Cancer patients how to deal with the flu?
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