The overindulge in certain foods during pregnancy leads to health problems for the mother and fetus are the richness of them and in some cases the mother may be accustomed to eating certain foods in periods outside pregnancy and will not during this period eating these foods troublesome or harmful to the mother becomes so it must do without it. Here's an article in today's food should not be dealt with in the mother's pregnancy.
Foods must stay away from them
The food is an important source of food for women and the fetus extent that maintains a healthy mother and integrated as far as food itself and avoid the risk of the child during pregnancy and childbirth and to their health. They must, if possible, refrain from eating these foods:
- Raw fish: The fish are rich in protein and iron, which include many of the basic elements for the development of the nervous system of the child, but you should avoid eating some fish species Kalssoche and salmon because it may be infected with bacteria harmful, and the other fish that are not sparing addressed are big fish Kalabo sword and thickness Shark because they contain high levels of mercury Vtaatard with the growth of children's brains and nervous systems.
- Raw, poultry, eggs meat: these foods contain bacteria Alkolay Listeria pregnant woman is advised to stay away to avoid food poisoning and its adverse effects, along with ready-made cuisine Aldog Kalhout which bacteria in the inside to abortion or to stillbirth and many serious health problems and should not have lead also eat milk and unpasteurized dairy products.
- Beverages containing caffeine: This is the last such as tea, coffee and soft drinks have a significant effect on the body's ability to metals such as iron, calcium absorption and these beverages may be offered pregnant women to abortion or a premature birth so that the mitigation of covered benefits for pregnant women so much.
you are pregnant? You should avoid these foods
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