Many people suffer from the problem of drooling especially during sleep, and this is a problem often troublesome, especially for people in the adult age. This problem is common when the child during the period of teething, but some adults may suffer because of them wake up and discover that the pillow damp which may be to demonstrate the other health problem.
Causes drooling during sleep
Many of the issues and factors that could lead to drooling in adults:
- Sleeping on one side constantly: that sleep for long periods on the same side could lead to drooling from the mouth and this is one of the most prominent reasons for drooling.
- Sinusitis: that sinusitis cause difficulty in swallowing and breathing, and this in turn leads to drooling during sleep and even during the day and increased salivation when a person of colds suffered Vimay person to breathe through the mouth due to obstruction of the nose, causing a flow of saliva from the mouth .
- Acidity or GERD: that people who suffer from acidity or GERD may suffer from drooling.
- Allergies or poisoning: that excessive salivation because of allergic rhinitis, allergic to some kind of food poisoning as a result of inhaling pesticides.
- Tonsillitis: tonsillitis and that the glands located in the back of the throat leads to the production of saliva restrict accumulated at the bottom of the throat and is considered the most common reasons behind this drooling during sleep.
- Dental problems: that gingivitis and teeth can increase salivation.
- A birth defect in the mouth: Some people suffer from a congenital defect shall be the mouth or tongue have great size and narrow teeth or suffer from swollen lymph nodes leads to drooling.
- Taking certain medications: side effects of some medications may lead to the emergence of saliva overly nervous depression drugs such as antidepressants.
- Neurological disorders: People who suffer from neurological problems difficult for them to gaming controls.
Methods of treatment of drooling during sleep
If runny saliva was caused by a specific health problem must address this issue to stop it can also do some steps that limit the flow of saliva during sleep:
- Sleeping on the back because it helps in the leakage of saliva to the back of the throat and dry mouth in the end.
- Permanent breathing through the nose.
- Exercise self-deep exercises during the day.
- Lavender oil facial massage helps relieve drooling during sleep.
- Eat slowly and chew food regularity helps in reducing the secretion of saliva in the mouth.
What are the causes of drooling during sleep?
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