Many people suffer from Amod not know what the appropriate method to get rid of it is drugs, of course, so we will give you today the most prominent ways to get rid of colic.
- Use hot compresses: warmth can ease tensions felt by the person in the abdominal area hot The heat works on muscle relaxants. Therefore, we recommend that the person lies down and puts a bag of hot water on the abdomen and can maintain this position until the end of colic.
- Eat Chamomile tea: Chamomile tea helps to relieve abdominal pain and, according to one study demonstrated Valababong has the nature of the anti-inflammatory and drink it relaxes the stomach and reduces colic pain and cramps in women.
- Fennel seeds: along with large importance in contributing to the Weight Loss These seeds also help relieve colic pain so it is advisable chewing the little ones and the difference will appear oils are volatile in the bear's ability to relieve pain and reduce inflammation.
- Yoga practice: Do not be an exclamation of this is because yoga help get rid of the pain because the positions taken by the person during that help him get rid of the feeling of colic.
- Drinking water: from the causes that lead to a sense of colic, cramps is dehydration in the body so you must be alert to the need to drink plenty of water throughout the day to get rid of cramps and colic.
- Eating yogurt: yogurt treats colic caused by poor digestion or colitis nervous because it contains useful enzymes for digestion and stomach.
- Eat Ginger: Ginger helps to get rid of colic, especially caused by poor digestion because it helps the body to complete the digestion process normally.
Here the easiest ways to get rid of colic
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