Some women may suffer from milk flow problems in her breasts after birth even though they prefer to resort to breastfeeding. So we will give to you today through this causes behind the problem of milk yield and appropriate solutions to the article.
The causes of decline in milk production
- The mother may not know that the wait for a long time before you start breastfeeding successor has some problems in the milk yield.
- Might not offer the mother to breastfeed her son in many times or not give him sufficient time to breast-feeding.
- Sometimes the mother used drugs may affect the generation of baby milk and milk flow back down here for that and before you take any dose of any medication by her doctor to review.
- Whether the mother has undergone in the earlier surgery earlier in the breast after birth may Adrar milk from her nipples are affected because they will feel that the proportion of light of what is rumored about.
- On the other hand there are several factors that may affect the mother's milk supply, including the early or obesity or diabetes, which depends on insulin therapy disease birth These things also affect milk production.
How Tsiden generating milk?
- Do not start feeding Taatochri not wait a long time before providing milk for your child who direct your breast milk this thing Ihvd ratio.
- Borrow not a few of breastfeeding but Ordaa per day from two hours to three.
- Do not Trdkha if your child does not suckle from only one breast, but my feet to him the other, otherwise this will affect the milk flow for you and your loss of your stock so my feet in the breasts each feeding session to generate more milk.
- Protect your milk supply through the use of automated hood for the withdrawal of milk to be given to your child punctual and so milk yield remains walking not suffer from the problems you out any way to work or Adtarark to move away from the child.
Why milk yield falls when a nursing mother?
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