Blood type is divided into eight main groups: A +, A-, B +, B-, O +, O-, AB +, AB-. What are the rare ones blood type? Is it a new species of blood appear? This is what will answer it in this thread.
Rare blood type
-O Platoon of the most blood types are considered the scarcity of these species give all factions do not take, but of the same species, and that my platoon B- and AB- are also Nardtan especially since only 1% of the world's population carry these factions from the blood. But this thing is not final has been discovered in the past few years a new blood type is the rarest of the world's blood "Mumbai" platoon, which was named as a result of discovered and classified for the first time Kveselh rare blood in the city of Bombay in India.
The number of people living with this species Narh in the world does not exceed 15 people and names are registered with the authorities worldwide to be contacted their time of need them, and the holders of this species baptized to donate blood at the branches of the blood bank to store them as an asset reserves of blood to take advantage of it time their need for a mechanism to non-availability of this species.
This is a bloody rare species in the world and there may be up ranged between 1 and 4 per million inhabitants. And a patient who carries Bombay blood group does not accept blood transfusions to him but never of the same species as opposed to some of the people who hold other rare blood groups, where it is possible to accept a blood transfusion from another faction, with some symptoms because of the different blood type
What is the rarest blood type in the world?
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