The sinuses are located in four air-filled pockets near the nose area of the face and skull bones. And it works to moisturize and protect the inside of the nose through the production of mucus. When inflammation in the sinuses are filled with mucus, causing pressure on these areas and this will lead to a painful and severe headaches. Here's some tips to get rid of this annoying headaches.
What are the symptoms of a sinus headache?
It can include headache sinus nasal signs:
- Pain, pressure, fullness in the cheeks and brow or forehead
- Aggravation when bending forward or lying down Pain
- Nasal secretions vestiges of blood
- Stuffy nose
- Sore throat
- Fever
- Cough
- Fatigue
- Pain in the upper teeth
-tother Sense of smell
- Chilling and feeling upset and pain in muscles
- Swollen lymph nodes
Ways to treat a sinus headache
Based treatment of a sinus headache on several ways, including:
- Develop warm bandages on areas with headaches 4 times a day.
- The use of additional pillows to raise your head during sleep, making it easier to pull mucus and relieve pressure causes headache.
- The use of nasal sprays Decongesting a day for no more than a week.
- Avoid allergens that increase the irritation of the sinuses such as pungent smells.
- Stay away from people with colds and flu.
- Increased intake of warm drinks to hydrate the body, thereby reducing mucus and facilitate his release.
- To ensure a healthy diet to increase the body's resistance, which accelerates the healing of sinus congestion.
- Inhaling steam by setting the pot with boiling water, cover the head with a towel and get closer to the bowl and inhaling fumes.
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