During the nine months of pregnancy, women are wondering about the quality of foods that must be dealt with and that you should avoid during pregnancy since some species may adversely affect the growth of the fetus and the health of the mother. The other types of food necessary for the formation of the fetus are healthy and sound in this context proved most studies, nutritionists that Lemon several benefits to the health of the pregnant woman and her fetus. The most prominent of these benefits Vtjdenha in the following lines:

1. Most women suffer from nausea and vomiting and to reduce this feeling women advised to take lemon peel and inhaling or drinking a glass of lemon juice.
2. It is common that lemon fruit from richer in vitamin C which is essential for the growth of the bones of the fetus and helps the absorption of iron in the body of the pregnant woman.
3. lemon rich in antioxidants and fruits eaten allows a pregnant woman to get rid of toxins in the body. Also stimulates the liver and purifies the blood work also helps to get rid of constipation experienced by a large proportion of pregnant women, especially in the first months of pregnancy.
4. In addition to being saturated with vitamin C lemon These fruits also contain potassium, which works to reduce the speed of heart palpitations when pregnant and alleviate the blood pressure in case it happens that poses a threat to the mother and fetus and may lead to premature birth.
5. protects vitamin C Lemon, who is in abundance in the pregnant and her unborn child from infectious diseases, particularly influenza.
In addition to all of that is aesthetically lemon help a pregnant woman to maintain her hair and reduce hair loss and the hardness her nails. Finally, and in spite of all the aforementioned benefits to pregnant women should not over-drink lemon because it contains acid, or DNA, and may lead to a feeling that burns in the stomach wall and inflammation of the digestive tract. It also advises easing lemon juice by adding water to it before eating.

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