Measles is a contagious disease transmitted through the respiratory tract and is highly contagious, especially affects children between second-to-four years. The symptoms associated with measles appear after 10 to 12 days of exposure to the virus. Nowadays I said incidence of the disease to a very few special numbers in developed countries, due to the introduction of the vaccine to the child's body. But potential injury remain in case you do not believe your child the necessary protection.
Methods of prevention
Prevention of measles is done by vaccination with measles vaccine in the vaccine known as (MMR), which includes measles, mumps and German. The first vaccination dose given to infants between 12 to 15 months of age, the second dose are given to a child 3 to 5 years. The best way to prevent measles is to give the child's immune Glubionat to protect against the virus, especially children who have a deficiency in the immune, as well as pregnant women.
Symptoms of infection
If the identification of the measles, can be observed following the emergence of symptoms in two phases:
- The first phase, characterized by the appearance of spots and grains on the child's body, inflammation in the airways or croup, cold, severe cough, redness Enein for three days. The show also white spots in the baby's mouth.
What are the risks of not vaccinating children?
- The second phase, the patient's temperature rise and the rash appears in a bubble and is characterized by red, turquoise and shows behind the ears, forehead and then spread to cover the whole body. Child and affects for 6 days and some suffer from skin pigmentation in brown and extended for any number of months, but they often disappear.
Methods of treatment of measles
There is no specific treatment for measles virus, the disease is gradually disappear with the adoption of the following actions:
First, the patient's commitment to his bed and get a permanent comfort.
Secondly, it is best taken it hot liquids in an orderly fashion and in sufficient quantity.
Thirdly, it is best that the patient stays in his room, and keep warm temperature humidified atmosphere.
Fourth, try eating a vitamin
How Thamin your child from measles?
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