The egg yolk many benefits appear on the skin brighter, healthier and beautiful, Follow us today in an article of my health to get to know the benefits of egg yolk for the skin.
- To get rid of bacteria and germs that accumulate on the surface of the skin during the day.
- The fight against germs that cause damage and skin problems.
- Get rid of the drought and cracks that appear on the surface of the skin due to weather factors.
- Moisturize the skin and feed layers deep.
- Get rid of the dark spots that appear on the skin surface.
- Peeling the skin and get rid of dead skin cells.
- The treatment of the problem of clogged pores that run on the dirt accumulation of fat in the skin that cause the appearance of acne.
- Reduce the oils and fats produced by the skin.
- Stimulate the growth of new cells for the skin is what gives serenity and purity of the skin.
- To get rid of fine lines and wrinkles that appear on the skin with age because the egg yolks contain a substance that helps in collagen skin rejuvenation.
- The treatment of eczema, skin diseases and other illness.
Recipes therapeutic Besvar eggs
- Okhtaiwa one egg yolk with a teaspoon of honey and then put the mixture on your skin and leave it for a quarter of an hour to dry and wash your face with warm water.
- Okhtaiwa egg yolk with a teaspoon of lemon and a teaspoon of olive oil, juice, and then put the mixture on the skin of the face and neck and leave it 20 minutes to dry and wash your face with warm water.
- Put the egg yolk with a teaspoon of rose water and a teaspoon of olive oil, then put the mixture on your skin and leave it for a quarter of an hour and then Ashtefoa your face well.
What are the benefits of egg yolk for the skin
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