Some symptoms of bleeding begin with pregnancy and menstrual bleeding, and are also different. But most women can not distinguish between them. There are some features that help you discover the difference. Here's what they are.


Check the blood color and the amount of bleeding

At the beginning of pregnancy, when the fertilized egg is implanted in the lining of the uterus, the incontinence may cause the point to drop to a few points of blood for a day or two. The color of the blood is red, such as blood coming out of the wound or very open blood with some mucus. It may be dark-colored or brown. But it is usually darker than the color of the menstrual cycle because it takes time to travel from the uterine wall through the vagina.


The amount of bleeding helps you to differentiate between pregnancy blood and menstrual blood. Pregnancy blood usually does not resemble bleeding during the normal cycle. It is lighter and less quantity. Sometimes, bleeding of pregnancy can be just a few drops that last for a few hours, or even a drop, and last only for a few days. For some women, the flow will be similar to a very light monthly cycle, which is why the two are usually confused. Most women find that the blood of the cycle is more red and becomes heavier in a day or two.


When does the color of blood tell you something dangerous?

Bleeding during pregnancy is common among pregnant women and is not a worrying situation. However, if the blood color is red, it indicates active bleeding, a sign of migraine pregnancy or even miscarriage, especially if bleeding has blood clots and pain, both require immediate medical consultation. In the case of abortion, the blood is fresh red, accompanied by some transparent secretions, and severe pain in the lower abdomen and back, which is different from the pain of the menstrual cycle and similar to the divorce of childbirth. Bleeding may be mild and severe, accompanied by bloody lumps and cutting of a diet.

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