Heart disease of frightening diseases these days, which are called everybody infection, also that their symptoms are similar to a lot of diseases, the more one felt pain in his arm when exposed nerve of a crisis or psychological pressure was afraid of being heart disease and for this it is necessary to get acquainted with the symptoms correct for heart disease, some do not even distracted and even discover they diagnosed early and expose themselves to a specialist.

Symptoms of Heart Disease

Atherosclerosis: is a blockage of the blood vessels and lack of blood supply sufficiently to Aljsm.oazar members in the form of chest pain and shortness of breath and pain, numbness, weakness or coldness in hands and legs, pain in the back and neck.


Tachycardia: is the heart palpitations case of very fast or very slow, and include the following symptoms: fluttering or palpitations in the chest, slow or speed the heart palpitations discomfort or pain in the chest blows accompanies these symptoms are shortness of breath and feeling dizzy sometimes fainting.


Congenital diseases: the case of certain birth defects in the heart, and the symptoms pale bluish skin color, or swelling of the legs or abdomen, or in an area under the eyes when the kids and shortness of breath during lactation.


The weakness of the heart muscle: any stiffness and cardiomyopathy of the symptoms: shortness of breath or exertion, swelling of the ankles, legs, hands, fatigue and dizziness faint heart beat irregularly.


Shortness of breath: is the feeling of the patient Baltdaig fatigue when you breathe and the introduction of air output, which goes back to the heart failure was the sudden increase in shortness of breath from the lungs to the heart disease lead because they cause weight on the heart muscles Vtaatab those recent More often than not reside at the elderly and people who suffer from overweight or people who work and are in a sitting position.

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