During pregnancy women feel a sharp pain in the back as a result of the weight of the child, but in some cases the pain may continue in the post-natal period. In this case it becomes necessary to consult a specialist doctor to get rid of back pain after childbirth. Information about our topic today in the most prominent ways to treat back pain after childbirth.


First, in order to get rid of back pain after childbirth, especially in the event of continued over a long period, it is preferred that the Valuation of exercise to regain movement and activity, enough to Taathrki even for a few minutes they are capable of by giving you adequate rest to get rid of the pain. National of walking or some help movements to move back to get rid of the pain.


Second, it may be the cause of back pain after childbirth is due to carry the baby incorrectly, so the attention to the way the child raising is very important, and here you first child closer to you, and then lift it evenly with your body, in this way Taatvadin pain resulting from strain hands to raise the child.


Third, in some cases, increase the weight of pregnant women dramatically, and this could be one of the causes of back pain after childbirth, so that I felt that the pain constant or disappear, Saraei to regain weight that was before pregnancy, and trying to reduce the weight accurately.


Fourth, try to avoid everything that could require pulling back or do a great effort, especially in relation to the child to carry or move from one place to another. In this case Tnnbha to the necessity that the child be the subject of equal way with your back, do not need to bend too much not to raise your body a lot, then it restores your back recovers properly.

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