Many people trying to quit smoking, but they suffer symptoms that make them retreat and return to this dangerous scourge that threatens the lives and the lives of those around them. Therefore we offer you a number of the symptoms of quitting smoking to know what might befall you and you take the right decision to give up smoking in the future.
Symptoms of quitting smoking
-alhaour Nervous tension and anxiety: the lack of nicotine in the human body significantly lead to a feeling former smoker's nervous tension and anxiety, so quitting smoking must be accompanied Daimas with exercise, especially walking and specifically in public areas, public parks with friends, and soak up warm for more of relaxation.
- Fatigue and fatigue: the sudden stop smoking leads to the smoker notice fatigue, fatigue and weakness, but this feeling will not last long but will fade with time and will ease gradually.
- Insomnia: accompanies quitting smoking is always insomnia, which can be treated by eating warm liquids and herbal Zhorat before bedtime, avoiding coffee and tea, can also perform these fluids to alleviate the cough that is always associated with quitting smoking.
- Headache, dizziness: the nicotine out of the body may lead to a sense of a headache and dizziness, and this requires a rest and sleep, and the warm water bathing may be a solution to end this pain.
- Hunger: the person who decided to quit smoking to compensate for cigarette needs therefore tempted to eat more than usual so he resorts to candy whenever he feels he needs to smoking leads to an increase in weight to coincide with the shortfall in the nicotine, which leads to reduce blood sugar thus the feeling of hunger and eating smoked for more food, unusually, here it is advisable to replace fatty foods, those with low-calorie, Kalmaxrat, water and juices, which will also help to address the problem of drought in the mouth as a result of smoking cessation.
What are the symptoms of quitting smoking?
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