It is not enough to get enough sleep to enjoy a healthy body, but the body position during sleep contributes to the improvement or damage to the body. The way we sleep at night affects the health of our body directly, and the sleep situation greatly affects the health of the bones in general. A person often awakens when he feels very tired and has pains in his bones, often because of the wrong sleep situation.


In this article, we will discuss the effect of sleep on body health:


Sleeping on the back and arms on the sides

Sleeping on the back is the most healthy thing for the spine and neck, as long as you do not use many pillows. However, the two who sleep on their backs snore during sleep, and the chances of getting sleep apnea increased.


Sleeping on the Tummy

Sleeping on the abdomen is a useful condition to help ease digestion, but you will have to move your head on both sides to breathe, which puts pressure on your neck. This position also causes breathing and bowel obstruction, because it is not supported when sleeping this way.


Sleeping on the back and arms up to the top

Called starfish status, which is also very healthy for the back, the position of arms to the top helps greatly in fighting wrinkles and pimples in the face. However, it is like sleeping on the back where snoring and acid reflux are increased, and the raised arms pressure the nerves, causing pain in the shoulders.


Fetal status

Aries during sleep in the position of the fetus may be comfortable for some time, but it causes adverse effects on the back and neck, and may also cause the fetus's position in breathing problems during sleep This situation is useful if you suffer from snoring or during pregnancy.


Sleep on the side

Sleeping on the right side increases your acidity problems. Sleeping on the left side may solve this problem, but it exhausts your internal organs such as the lung, liver, and stomach during pregnancy. Sleeping on the left side is recommended to promote blood flow to the fetus.


The worst sleeping conditions on the heart are sleeping on the left side and sleeping on the abdomen because they put the stomach in an uncomfortable place for the heart, specifically putting more pressure on the heart and not giving it space and size to absorb the blood and pump it. Blood pressure, and thus easy to get heart attacks.


Based on the pillow

Regardless of your sleeping position, you will definitely improve your sleep efficiency when using a pillow to lean on. When sleeping on the back, use a small pillow in the lower back. When sleeping on the side, the pillow is between the knees. Sleep on the abdomen. Put the pillow in the pelvis to rest the joints and enjoy a good sleep. .

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